
Monday, January 17, 2011


Regardless of your personal opinions and politics, it’s hard to argue against the difference which has been made by MLK’s life and legacy. From even before his “I Have a Dream” speech in August 1963, MLK was encouraging and energizing the African-American community and other ethnic minorities. It’s a pretty big deal to have a day named in your honor, so props to Dr. King. 

Over the past 24 hours I have been thinking about what it means to make a difference. I believe there is something inside of all of us which makes us want to make a difference and to live lives of significance. We are inspired by the stories of those, like Dr. King, who have changed culture and touched the lives of many in a meaningful way. These difference makers are often given hero status, and while their achievements are worth remembering, there is a possible downside to all the recognition. Here it is: We sometimes forget or neglect doing the small things. There is a church in Cincinnati, Ohio which created a statement which I have loved since the first time I heard it: SMALL THINGS DONE WITH GREAT LOVE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD. It’s admirable to have big dreams, and to scheme how to make a major impact in our world. But in all of our dreaming and scheming, we must not forget to do the small things too. 

When we determine to go through the day with a mindset of doing what we can to make a difference in the lives of those with whom we cross paths, and do so as a visible expression of God’s invisible love, we will become a person of impact. An encouraging word, a helping hand, giving recognition to someone often neglected or ignored, a random act of kindness, going above and beyond on a work assignment or school project, listening more than talking, etc. You get the idea, things which in and of themselves are small, but when they are motivated and done with love, they have the potential to make a huge difference.

When I was younger I loved to throw rocks, it had something to do with my love for sports. When I would come to a pond or lake, especially one which was completely calm, I’d grab a rock and throw it in the water. The impact of the rock on the calm surface would send ripples in all directions. That’s what can happen when we do small things with great love. The ripples will extend to places and people we could have never touched no matter how gifted we are in rock throwing.  

Do the small things today and you will change the world! Now, stop reading and get started!

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