
Thursday, January 13, 2011


In our PURE WORD small group last night we began a study of the Book of Job. I am looking forward to this study and discovering the truths which enabled Job to endure the ultimate bad day. One of the takeaways for me from last night’s group is the idea that in Job’s story we can see how God strengthened him but didn’t comfort him. We have knowledge about his story, which he didn’t have. Job didn’t know why this ultimate bad day had descended upon his life. He didn’t know that God had suggested his name to Satan and then given his permission to put Job through the testing of his faith. God gave strength to Job to endure the day nearly everything was taken from him, but it’s not until chapter 38 God speaks to him. The bible doesn’t tell us exactly how long all of this takes. I heard one bible teacher speculate it was about 18 months, but I haven’t been able to substantiate this claim. I do know this, for 37 “chapters” of Job life, God was silent. God was strengthening Job, but he wasn’t speaking to him. 

As I reflect on the bad days (weeks? months? years?) in my life, I can testify to the faithfulness of God’s strength. When I didn’t possess the spiritual strength to take one more step, or to inhale one more breath, God’s has always given me strength. I have personally experienced God’s promise of strength: He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” (Isaiah 40:29 NIV) 

Unfortunately, I’ve also shared Job’s experience, where God has been silent for “chapters” of my life. I am so thankful for God’s strength, but his silence is tough. The psalmist David had to deal with God’s silence (and he didn’t like it either!): Psalm 28:1, 83:1, 109:1. It's hard to keep praying when it doesn't seem like anything is changing. It's hard to keep obeying, when it seems like things are going from bad to worse. It's hard to continue to worship God, when God is silent and it feels like he is distant.

Everything God does has a purpose! Just as there is purpose in His speaking, there is purpose in his silence. There’s reason why God delays his comfort. If you’re going through a severe trial right now, and God is silent, stand strong in his strength. We can be confident God will not remain silent. Let me repeat that statement: GOD WILL NOT REMAIN SILENT! In his time he will add comfort to his strength, and speak his word to you and over you.

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