
Monday, February 21, 2011


I lead a weekly small group which is studying the Book of Job. So far, we’re through chapter seven. I’ve found that many people try to avoid this Old Testament book. It’s like they have enough trouble in their own lives, why get caught up in someone else’s mess? I understand the perspective, but personally I think there are some powerful spiritual lessons to be learned from Job.

As we were looking at chapter seven last week one of the lessons which surfaced was in regards to Job’s perspective on life. In reading through verses 1-3, Job communicates that life will be hard, at least for a period of “months” (V3). He actually states that each person is “allotted” (NIV) or “assigned” (NLT) a period of struggle. In our study, we’re finding that we have to always compare what Job is saying to the rest of the Bible because his thoughts are not always correct. On this point, I believe Job is correct. For anyone to reach the conclusion that the Bible teaches Christians are exempt from struggles and suffering is incomplete or in error. 

For many people, the possibility our lives will be anything other than a smooth and easy stroll, is unacceptable. Of course, some have tried to manipulate their theology to eliminate suffering and struggle. This usually results in a determined focus on the promises of God; not all of the promises, of course, just the ones which seem to point to their desired outcome. Please don’t misunderstand me. I am all for focusing on the promises of God and, especially, praying the promises. It’s what I do when I am going through a dark time. (FYI: The Bible often describes trials and tribulations in terms of night or darkness)

I am deeply concerned for those who expect life to be easy. It may work for awhile, but eventually there will be a huge disappointment, or the death of a loved one, or something which happens to change the direction of life temporarily and even permanently. The worst thing for those who expect life to be easy is they are unprepared for the hard times. There are more than a few Christians who assume because they loved God and are trying to do right [righteous] things, their life would be easy. There are times when the invitation for someone to follow Christ is some variation of the idea: “Come to Jesus and he will take all your problems away.” More than a few people have told me when they made the choice to follow Christ, that’s when their problems really began. Job’s four friends argued with him from the perspective, “bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good people.” Therefore, they argue, because so much tragedy had descended upon Job’s life, he must have messed up big time.

In the 80s, CCM artist Pam Thum recorded a song, “Life is Hard (God is Good).” (see link below) The song isn’t exactly my style, but I appreciate the message. Thum sings: Jesus never said, it was an easy road to travel, He only said that you would never be alone.” In my next blog I will share with you why it’s better to go through life with the perspective there will be hard times for all of us. Until then:  “Be joyful always; 17 pray continually; 18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV) Wherever you are and whatever you’re going through today, Jesus is in the middle of it all with you!

Link to the song, LIFE IS HARD:

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