
Tuesday, November 29, 2011


My two recent blog posts have touched upon the theme of SELF-CONTROL, so I thought it’d be good to more directly explore this topic in my next few posts. Notice I didn’t bring up “the other ‘S’” word prior to Thanksgiving so we could all enjoy our gluttony guilt-free. This was not pre-meditated, though I did enjoy some great food over the weekend and I hope you did too. 

I’ve always been impressed by Paul’s letter to Titus, specifically chapter two where he instructs his ministry partner in the things which need to be taught in the church on the Isle of Crete. He specifically mentions the need to be “self-controlled” in regards to older men, young men and younger women. I guess older women don’t need to be self-controlled. J In the New American Standard version it uses the word, SENSIBLE, but the Greek word (the original language for most of the New Testament) in both cases is: SOPHRON (so’-frone), and it means “curbing one’s desires and impulses, self-controlled, temperate.” (Strong’s Concordance)

There is a word which I think describes the opposite of self-control and is used in older versions of the Bible: LICENTIOUSNESS. The New American Standard seems to generally prefer the word, SENSUALITY, while the New International Version uses multiple words, such as: debauchery; shameful ways; filthy lives; lustful desires; license; you get the idea. The definition of the Greek word for licentiousness (Aselgeia, as-elg’-i-a) very much describes the common attitude in our culture: unbridled lust, excess, licentiousness, lasciviousness, wantonness, outrageousness, shamelessness, insolence.” (Strong’s Concordance) Each of these words describes “the lustful life of the wicked.” (2 Peter 2:7 World English Bible). 

For you and me to live with SELF-CONTROL we have to learn how to live contrary to the attitudes in our culture which lure us with lies. There are so many influences in our daily lives which suggest we should be able to do whatever we want when we want. This lie is actually a false promise of freedom, because it’s actually a direct path to bondage. It’s always amazes me when someone who is committed to a lifestyle of “sexual freedom” or the partying life declares they are free. At first the pursuit of these kinds of things is an expression of freedom, but there soon comes a point where a person is controlled by the desires which are driving them. I find it interesting the NAS uses the word, sensible, instead of self-control. When a person does not have self-control they are not sensible. I’ve said before that “sin makes a person stupid.” That might sound somewhat harsh, but most of us have examples from our own lives where we did some pretty stupid things because we allowed sin to influence our choices. Controlled by desire [lust] people do things and act in ways which violate their conscience and their values.

Peter’s appeal in Acts 2 is still relevant, if not more so today: “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” (2:40 NIV) The New Living Translation of this verse reads: "Save yourselves from this generation that has gone astray!" The Message: "Get out while you can; get out of this sick and stupid culture!" The way out involves learning how to be self-controlled in this “sick and stupid culture.” We will continue on this theme in the next few posts. Until then I want to give you 2 Peter 1:3 (New Living Translation): As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly life. He has called us to receive his own glory and goodness!”

Monday, November 28, 2011


If there was any doubt today is Cyber Monday, my email box confirmed it this morning, with twelve different emails seeking to lure me to purchase everything from electronics to domain names. I found the sale on domain names from Network Solutions to be the oddest offering. Expert types expect online spending to exceed $1 billion dollars today alone. This will be a record for one-day sales. According to Wikipedia, “Cyber Monday” made its debut as a marketing term six-years ago. From debut to $1B in six years isn’t too bad. Just for the fun of it (and likely no one will remember anyway), I predict Cyber Monday sales will hit $2B in 2014, if not sooner. 

The thought bouncing around in my cranium this morning is how new technologies create new opportunities. The dawning of the Internet has created a whole new way of Christmas shopping, one which I favor compared to braving the whole mall scene.  Very few of us will be part of the brainiacs who are creating the new technologies, although if God has given you an innovative idea don’t allow anyone to stop you from developing it. Even if we’re not involved as the inventor and innovator, at the very least we can be part of the group who is learning how to use the new technology to pursue new opportunities. I used to teasingly tell my one of my friend’s he suffered from “techno-lust.” He was, and still is, one of those guys who loves all the gadgets. Now to be fair to him he does use the gadgets as tools in his work, and the true story is I’m jealous of his ability to so quickly learn how to use the new technologies.

I have two thoughts to share with you regarding this idea of new technologies creating new opportunities:

One, the emergence of new technologies is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Daniel 12:4 But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase." (NAS) As new technologies are being used to develop the next technologies the increase in knowledge is exponential and explosive. It’s both exciting and scary to be alive right now. It’s exciting because we’re living in times I used to dream about as a child reading Popular Mechanics magazines. It’s scary because the new technologies are sometimes used in very evil and sick ways. Which leads to my second thought…

Two, the new technologies requires us as consumers to choose whether we will acquire a specific technology. The innovations in technology are so vast it requires us to be selective as to what we invite into our lives. It’s possible, especially if you tend to be a person who is attracted to the latest and greatest, for you to get caught in the “web” of technology. When this happens to someone they are driven more by desire than need; this is where the term “techo-lust” could be applied. I really believe we’ve entered a time where we have to be increasingly selective as to what we allow into our lives. There are so many new technologies (I am thinking of innovations in electronic devices, gaming, social sites, and more) discerning disciples of Jesus will have to make hard choices. If not, we risk being lured into time-consuming activities which may take us away from our main mission in life. Even if I can get a great “Cyber Monday” deal, I need to evaluate my purchases of new technology in light their function in helping me to accomplish what God has placed upon my life to do for his kingdom. If you need a question to help with this evaluation process here’s a suggestion: Does this new technology help me to seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33)? On the surface it may seem like I am suggesting technology can only be used in ministry and never in recreation, and that’s definitely not my intention. I think the biggest deal is we must avoid the traps of technology which keep us from doing what God has called us to do. I love to chill with my iPad and play a little Tiger Woods PGA Tour, but I don’t want any technology to ever distract me from my main mission in life, and we all know it can. This is a good place for 1 Peter 5:8 (NIV) “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Happy Cyber Monday shopping to all!

Friday, November 25, 2011


Is it my imagination or is the Black Friday shopping craze becoming a bigger and bigger deal? My wife thought she was going to take advantage of the Midnight madness opening at one of the big-box stores in our local mall. When she showed up the mall parking lot was full and the line to enter the store was 1000 people long. Needless to say she didn’t shop last night. She has assured me she intends to shop later today and make our family contribution to the $45 billion dollars* which will be spent in the U.S. today. 

The media wants us to believe the economy is struggling, and yet the most obvious signs seem to suggest otherwise. As a former newspaper delivery truck driver back in my college days, I am well acquainted with massive Thanksgiving Day newspapers, packed with all of the Black Friday ads. In this year’s edition some of the store ads looked more like magazines, printed on full-color slick paper versus the old-school newsprint of the past. When you add the extensive coverage Black Friday receives on TV, and all of the exposure via the Internet, it leads me to a question: How much of the Black Friday shopping craze is being fueled by advertising?

At least for our region of the USA, I am skeptical the economy is struggling as much as media types and politicians would like for us to believe. The cynic in me thinks the unaware become pawns played by those who seek to manipulate the emotions and decisions of the masses for their advantage. Sometimes the advantage is economic gain for retailers or votes for politicians. 

“Frenzy” is a good word to describe what it’s like in stores today, as people are feverishly snatching product from the shelves and parting with their hard-earned money. I don’t have a problem with spending money and I definitely like to save $. Personally, I prefer the whole cyber-shopping scene. But if I am going to spend money, I want it to be by my choice. I want my Christmas shopping to be influenced by genuine love for the people in my life, and not influenced by slick advertising or emotion-driven purchases. 

A good word for today, and the entire Christmas shopping season is: SELF-CONTROL. We need to be wise in what we buy and live within our means. If my mailbox is any indication, credit card companies are back on the prowl again for new customers after several years of struggle, so the temptation to use plastic to purchase gifts will be on the increase. I like what Peter writes in 5:8ff: “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the shopping devil prowls around the aisles of stores like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist the shopping devil, standing firm in the faith.” (this would be the MBR version).


Tuesday, November 22, 2011


In a recent blog I made a passionate appeal regarding the creative power of the Holy Spirit. (October 31~CREATURES OF COMFORT AND FANS OF THE FAMILIAR) It’s been brought to my attention by several godly men that some of the words I chose in expressing my passion were offensive to several people. It certainly wasn’t my desire to offend anyone. The blog post on October 31 was a continuation of one I had started on October 28: STARBUCKS AND PEOPLE OF THE SPIRIT. (As some of you are aware we had an important meeting at our church on October 30, which seems to be a key factor in this misunderstanding.) Since I don’t know the specific identity of those I offended I have to trust what I’ve been told, which is that my most egregious choice of words was the phrase, “What a shame!” If I understand correctly this was interpreted to mean, “Shame on you!” This definitely wasn’t my intent. 

I have no way of knowing whether you are creatively and obediently walking in the spiritual gifts, anointing and calling God has placed upon your life. That’s between you and the God who made you. When I said, “What a shame” I meant in the sense of it being unfortunate any of us would live below what God desires, or another way of expressing it’s a loss to the kingdom of God. “Shame” was a poor word choice, and for that I apologize. I want God’s best for myself and others, and I believe He desires to do supernatural things in and through our lives, especially in these last days, like it says in Acts 2:17.

Like many people, I deal with issues like inferiority, insecurity and other intimidating emotions; not as much as when I was younger, but it still influences my life. One of the major parts of spiritual growth is moving beyond these limiting emotions and beginning to explore the full expression of everything good God the Spirit has placed in us and planned for us. Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

 If you are one of those I offended, I hope you’ll receive this apology. If it would help to talk more about this, please give me a call and we’ll go have coffee. I’ll buy!

Monday, November 21, 2011


Yesterday I completed a seven-week teaching series on the theme of UNITY. This means for the past two months I’ve been studying every scripture I can find on the subject and doing a lot of other reading and research. What I am saying is, “I’m getting sick of all this talk about unity.” Nah, I’m just joking. 

The Bible can make a strong case for why and how we need to seek unity in all areas of our lives. No surprise there! If anyone enjoys disunity and all of the side effects that go with it, they’ve got serious issues. Yet here’s what I am thinking about this morning as I reflect over these seven teachings: Even though unity (and the peace, harmony and gladness which go with it) is better by far, it doesn’t mean everyone is convinced to the point they’ll do what they need to do to pursue it. Hebrews 12:14 says, Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” (NIV) Unity can and often does require effort. It’s often easier to see what others need to do to restore peace in a relationship, and yet completely miss what we need to do. 

With the exception of spiritually unhealthy people, everyone wants their relationships to be strong and filled with lots of love, acceptance and forgiveness. To move towards stronger relationships, we have to know what we need to do to build strength and we have to be willing to do it. I actually think this is where unity gets sidetracked. We know a relationship needs to be repaired and restored, and we may even know some things we can do to begin moving in a healthier direction, but we’re not willing. We may be waiting on the other person to make the first move. We may be waiting on the perfect opportunity to have an intense conversation. I can’t recall who said it, but I once heard that in the case of a broken relationship the person who thinks they’re the most spiritual should make the first move towards restoration. Because we’re often not willing, our marriage, friendships, relationships with family members, work/school associates, in our church family and other key relationships in our lives continue to be dominated by spiritual sickness or suckiness, as my one friend used to say.

In yesterday’s teaching I touched on the issue of SUBMISSION. I like how my wife (Anita) defines submission: “Giving up the right to be right.” Do you think she was trying to tell me something? Moving right along! Ephesians 5:21 says, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Here are three ideas for you to consider regarding submission towards one another:

Submission is what we do when we reverence Christ more than we want to be right.

Submission is what we do when peace is more important to us than making the point [argument] which wins the dispute.

Submission is what we do when peace is more important than having power or control in a relationship. 

If we’re going to make the move to repair and restore a relationship, it’s going to require us to give up the right to be right, to give up the desire to score the winning point in an argument and bury our “opponent” and to give up the need to control the other person. 

The first step towards restoring a relationship is always the hardest, but the reward of a stronger and healthier marriage or friendship or church, makes it worth it. 

Note: The audio file of yesterday’s teaching, as well all the other messages in the UNITED series can be found at the “Media” tab on

Monday, November 14, 2011


It’s been a week since I last wrote a blog post (November 7, A PIMPED OUT PALACE AND A GARAGE FULL OF CHARIOTS). To be honest it doesn’t seem like that long, it actually seems like a lot longer! This past week has been one of the longest of my life. I am sure you can point to a similar period where days seemed like weeks and the week seemed like a year

In my last post, I started a new thread on the theme of WISDOM. I want to just say I am amazed at how frequently we find ourselves in a place where we desperately need the wisdom of God to navigate the challenges and choices of life. Several times when writing to the Corinthians the Apostle Paul refers to “human wisdom” (1 Corinthians 1:17;2:13 NIV). Using my favorite Bible study website,, I did a search for “human wisdom” in various translations and found the following verses:

Proverbs 21:30 Good News Translation “Human wisdom, brilliance, insight—they are of no help if the Lord is against you.”

Ecclesiastes 1:18 New International Readers Version “A lot of human wisdom leads to a lot of sorrow. More knowledge only brings more sadness.”

Isaiah 29:14 New Living Translation “I will show that human wisdom is foolish and even the most brilliant people lack understanding.”

1 Corinthians 1:19 New Living Translation “As the Scriptures say, ‘I will destroy human wisdom and discard their most brilliant ideas.’”

1 Corinthians 1:25 Good News Translation “For what seems to be God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and what seems to be God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.”

1 Corinthians 2:5 New Living Translation “I did this so that you might trust the power of God rather than human wisdom.”

Colossians 2:8 Good News Translation “See to it, then, that no one enslaves you by means of worthless deceit of human wisdom, which comes from the teachings handed down by human beings and from the ruling spirits of the universe, and not from Christ.”

From the above verses, and there are many more references to be found in the Bible, it’s clear “human wisdom” is more “human” than “wisdom.” It originates in a person’s sin nature and not their new nature in Christ. There are times when I refer to “sin nature” as the “fleshly” part of us. Different translations will also refer to this type of wisdom as “earthly” or “unspiritual.” (James 3:15) 

The difficulty with this type of wisdom is that it’s directly associated with PRIDE. Never underestimate the power of pride! In Colossians 2:18 Paul describes what happens when someone is operating in this type of knowledge: “…his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.” (NIV) As we’ve all experienced, we can pretty much convince ourselves of anything. If we want something bad enough, we can convince ourselves it should be ours. If we want something to be true, we can convince ourselves it is right. “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.” (1 Corinthians 8:1 NIV) 

You and I will face challenges and choices today, unless you lock yourself in your house and sit on the sofa all day in the dark. Even then you’ll have to deal with what you think about. James 3 contains practical truth for navigating your day:

13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15 Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. 17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.

Be wise in how you live today and let love lead you in facing the challenges and making the choices life brings your way.