
Monday, April 11, 2011


I am the type of person who sleeps more like they’re in a coma. For those of you who have sleep issues don’t hate me please. I usually fall asleep pretty quickly and then the next thing I know I am waking up to my alarm clock radio. I have occasional dreams but they’re usually the type which are more entertaining than enlightening. Several years ago, I had one of my most incredible spiritual experiences. While in my coma-like sleep state, the Lord spoke to me for an extended period of time. His words gave me the insight and strength to make several major decisions, decisions which were among my most difficult as a pastor-leader. The main theme of this word from the Lord came from Ephesians 1. I encourage you to read this chapter, specifically verses 3 through 14, which contains a beautiful description of God’s mission and our role in his marvelous story. If you read in the New International Version take note of the different ways the Apostle Paul (who wrote this letter to the Ephesians) describes we are “in him”: V4, “For he chose us in him...”; V7, “In him we have redemption…”; V11, “In him we were also chosen…”; and V13, “Having believed, you were marked in him…” 

The truths of Ephesians 1 so impacted my life, I can honestly say I’ve never been the same. Check out what it says in VS11-12: (NIV) “…having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, 12 in order that we…might be for the praise of his glory.” Prior to this encounter with the promise of God’s plan, I would frequently get frustrated when things didn’t work out the way I wanted them to in my life. Along with the frustration, I had to deal with lots of disappointment because of my own failures and the failures of others. When it came to what happened or didn’t happen in my life, I placed way too much responsibility on myself, and trusted God far too little. I spent way too much time trying to convince God to help me with my plans, and too little time trying to understand his mission in the world. 

If you and I can hold on to the truth that God “works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will” it frees us from many of the frustrations and disappointments which all too frequently dominate our lives. In the short-term things may look bleak and you may have more questions than answers. The fog of the present may contribute to an uncertain future, which is always a challenge to maintaining our hope and faith. When things in your life are the darkest and most difficult, remember the fourth “in him” from Ephesians 1: “you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit.” The third person of the Trinity lives within you! 

There’s no way the Father is going to allow you and I to be overcome by life’s trials, tribulations and troubles. God is working everything out! You and I can trust Him with our lives.

I want to conclude today’s blog with these powerful words from the Quaker minister Isaac Penington (1616–1679): “Be not discouraged because of your soul's enemies. Are ye troubled with thoughts, fears, doubts, imaginations, reasonings? Yea, do ye see, yet, much in you unsubdued to the power of life? Oh! Do not fear it; do not look at it, as to be discouraged by it; but look to Him! Look up to the power which is over all their strength; wait for the descendings of the power upon you; abide in faith of the Lord's help, and wait in patience till the Lord arise; and see if His arm do not scatter what yours could not. So, be still before Him, and in stillness, believe in His name; yea, enter not into the hurryings of the enemy, though they fill the soul; for, there is yet somewhat to which they cannot enter, from whence patience, faith, and hope, will spring up in you, even in the midst of all they can do.”  **Isaac Penington 

There is a God who is stronger than our disappointment and discouragement…”look to Him!”

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