For pastors and Bible teachers Saturday is a time for final prep for the messages to be shared with the church in Saturday evening and Sunday gatherings. Part of the prep is a time of prayer, asking God to anoint the message and the messenger. I think most of us who have the huge privilege of sharing God’s Word are humbled by the opportunity. I believe in the power of God’s Word, yet I do find myself wondering why it seems so many people’s lives remain unchanged by the teaching they receive. We can save that thought for a blog in the future.
I want to remind pastors and teachers who are “on” this weekend of something extremely important, while challenging those of you who will be “hearers of the Word” with a specific prayer point today. In Jeremiah 1 the Lord speaks to the prophet about a message he is to deliver to God’s people. While Jeremiah’s context was to be God’s mouthpiece to an entire nation (Israel) I believe the statements God makes to him can be applied to everyone who has the privilege of sharing the Word this weekend. (Verses are from the NIV)
V7: “Do not say, ‘I am only a child.’’ ~ If you are a younger pastor or teacher re-read 1 Timothy 4:12 before the next time you speak. Remember, it’s the sons and daughters who are going to prophesy in the last days. (Acts 2:17)
V7: “You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.” ~ Another way to say this is: “No weak word this weekend.” Say it as God has directed you to say it! V8: “Do not be afraid of them…”
V9: “Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, ‘Now, I have put my words in your mouth…’” ~ I hope through all of your prep this week you believe God has placed a word in your heart for those you will minister to this weekend. I hope what you’ve prepared is not just the product of diligent study, like writing a term paper, or something put together to entertain people with slick media and nice sounding words. Is it going to be God’s Word in your mouth?
I absolutely love what the Lord says to Jeremiah in V12: “…I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.” (NAS, “I am watching over My word to perform it.") ~ Pastors and teachers, I don’t know if this verse will have the same effect on you, but personally I feel like it takes the pressure off me. I will be ready to go when my time to speak comes Sunday morning at King Mountain because I do take this responsibility very seriously, as I said. At the same time, the success of tomorrow does not rise and fall on my skills as a communicator or my creative abilities to connect with those listening. I’ll do my best in those areas, but I am depending on God to watch over his word.
To all my FB friends who are pastors and teachers, as well as others who read this blog via other links, as you stand to deliver God’s Word this weekend say it as God has directed you to say it! Do everything you need to do to be ready, and then relax and let God’s Word do the work and trust God to work his word into the hearts of those who will hear it.
I mentioned I also wanted to provide a prayer point for those of you who will be in a place to hear Bible teaching [preaching] this weekend, so here it is: Pray today for your pastor, teacher or small group leader. Ask God to prepare them and to prepare you. I know there are a few people who pray for those who will be teaching them, and I sincerely appreciate those who pray for me, but what if the majority prayed? I believe if you will take 10 or 15 minutes, it doesn’t have to be a long time, to pray, it will dramatically impact the way you hear God’s Word this weekend. And since God’s Word contains the power to change lives, get ready to be transformed!