
Wednesday, February 9, 2011


While I was surfing yesterday (the Internet, not the Pacific), I came across an interesting article on a website featuring financial information, The article, 10 Commandments for Frugal Living, by Jeffrey Strain was originally posted 01/02/09 - 09:21 AM EST. Even though it’s somewhat a departure from the topics I normally address on this blog, I wanted to share these 10 commandments with you today.

10. Thou shalt not buy things you don’t need.
9. Thou shalt only buy when you have the money.
8. Thou shalt purchase by value, not price.
7. Thou shalt be patient.
6. Thou shalt buy used.
5. Thou shalt look for alternatives before buying.
4. Thou shalt ignore the Joneses.
3. Thou shalt not pay full retail price.
2. Thou shalt not waste.
1. Thou shalt do things yourself.

Reflecting on the list caused me to look closer at two wise sayings, both from Proverbs 14: The first, V8, says: (NLT) “The wise look ahead to see what is coming…”; and the second, V15 says: (NIV) “…a prudent man gives thought to his steps.” We all know situations, possibly from our own lives, where poor financial decisions have caused huge problems. There are times when a single unwise decision can impact our lives (and credit rating) for months and even years. Then there are other situations where we’re going through a difficult time in our lives, and then we violate one of the above “thou shalts”, and it magnifies the problem. When you add financial struggles, to spiritual, emotional or physical battles, it is a huge burden to bear. Don’t spend your way into a snare which will demand your energy and attention, which is already depleted. The better way to go is to BE WISE BEFORE YOU BUY.

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