While on a bike
ride recently I went on a new route that took me by the Christian Apostolic
Church. I immediately noticed the building and landscaping were very nicely
maintained. Personally, I think how a church looks from the street says
something about how much they care. As I continued on my ride I started thinking
about the name of the church – Christian Apostolic Church. I have an undergrad
degree in biblical literature and a Master of Arts degree in Christian ministries.
In addition to my education I have 30 years experience as a pastor. I only
mention my background because it didn’t really help me to come up with any
answers about this church. What do they believe? Are they conservative or
liberal? Are they contemporary or traditional? If I’m having difficulty how
much more will the person who has little or no church experience?
I think churches
should strive to be FRONT DOOR FRIENDLY.
While the “Christian Apostolic Church” looked good from the outside, it’s
possible the name of the church was obscure enough to actually keep people
away. I’ve not sought out any research on church names, but my hunch is that
there are many churches with names that are unclear or confusing to the very
community they are seeking to engage. The name may have a long history and make
sense to all who attend (the insiders), but if it fails to connect and
communicate with the surrounding community, that’s a problem in my option. Some
people may want to argue that people shouldn’t be so shallow, sensitive or
simple, to dismiss a church based on its name. I say don’t be so quick! The
foodnetworkhumor.com lists the worst names for restaurants. To think someone
intentionally gave their restaurant one of the names on the list is almost
beyond belief. I did a quick Google search for several of the restaurants and,
yes, they actually exist. Here’s one of the names that’s safe to share: Crappito’s
Cucina Italiana in Houston, TX. There’s nothing about that name that makes me
want to eat there the next time I’m in Houston, though I may have to buy a
t-shirt. Ha! If people avoid a restaurant because of it’s name it’s only
logical to conclude that there people who avoid churches because of their name.
Here’s my
perspective on choosing a church name. It’s better to select a name that is
neutral, while avoiding a name that communicates a negative message because
it’s either unclear, or it has a tendency to cause people to draw incorrect
conclusions about the church. If you’re a pastor or church leader here’s
several questions that you may find helpful in evaluating names: Is
the name you’ve chosen the best possible name? If you were starting your church
tomorrow is your current name the one you would use?
FRIENDLY church chooses a name that is appealing to the community God has
called them to influence. For the sake of the mission a church will change
their name.
FRIENDLY church involves more than its name. Every aspect of the church that
contributes to creating the first impression should be frequently evaluated. As
I mentioned earlier the appearance of the church (interior and exterior) is
very important. Do a walk around of your campus and look for poor or deferred
maintenance items, evaluate for cleanliness, identify areas of messiness and
disorganization, and pay close attention to the rest rooms. Evaluate your
signage from the perspective of someone who has never been inside the building
before: Where’s the information center? Children’s check-in area? Rest Rooms?
Church Office? Auditorium? Café? Most people don’t enjoy wandering aimlessly in
a new place or even having to ask questions about where to go. Make sure the
main entrance is clearly marked. I recently visited one of the newest high
schools in Oregon. It was a beautiful campus by all measurements except it took
me several attempts and the kindness of a teacher giving me directions to find
the main entrance and office.
Another important
aspect of a FRONT DOOR FRIENDLY church involves the people who serve in
welcoming guests. There is no excuse for people who are unkind, unkempt, and
unhelpful. If you have an EGR (extra grace required) type of person who volunteers
to serve on your welcome team find a way to direct them to a less critical area
of ministry. As the saying goes, you only have one opportunity to make a first
impression. Provide regular training for those who serve on your welcome team
and communicate to them how important they are to creating a positive environment
whenever the church gathers.
The final aspect of
a FRONT DOOR FRIENDLY church that I want to address in this post is the
reputation your church holds in the community. When the Apostle Paul shares
with Timothy about the qualifications for church leaders [“overseer”], he
addresses the importance of reputation: “He must also have a good reputation with
outsiders.” (1 Timothy 3:7) I say it is equally important for the church to
have a positive reputation in the community. A reputation is something that is
earned over time. As a church is involved in its community a reputation will be
created. Church leaders must constantly look for opportunities to be engaged
with their community in activities that will contribute to the type of
reputation they desire to cultivate. In a time when the church often has no
choice but to take strong positions on moral issues it is vitally important for
churches to avoid being labeled by outsiders as the church that is “against”
everything. As vocal as the church is “against” sin a church needs to be
visible in their community regarding the things they are “for.” In many
neighborhoods there are homes that have been identified (often by the kids) as
the place where the mean woman or the dirty old man or the big bully lives. Or
there’s the scary house or the place with the mean dog. Don’t be that church
that is identified with negative messages.
In conclusion, consider
the signs that are located near the front door of some homes: “Beware of Dog”;
“Do Not Enter”; “No Trespassing”; “No Solicitors”; “Security Camera”; and more.
Unfortunately there are many churches that are anything but FRONT DOOR
FRIENDLY. They might as well have these signs hanging at the front door of
their church. While they may sincerely desire to see people come to know Jesus Christ,
they don’t even get the opportunity because people never make it to and through
the front door.
Is the front door
of your church FRIENDLY or UNFRIENDLY?