
Monday, August 20, 2012


With the invention of social media there’s a whole new window into the daily life of the people you know. The line between public and private has been greatly blurred. Many people freely post pictures and comments, without any thought to how such things reflect upon their reputation. Either they don’t think about it or they don’t care. Neither option is good. What’s becoming increasingly clear to me is that many people have bought into our culture’s definition and approach to fun.
My observation, reinforced by the commercials we view on TV and the common themes of popular movies, is that for many people a good time must include some or all of the following: ALCOHOL, SEX and spending MONEY. If you look at those three things and say, “Sin is expensive,” you’re right about that. Sin is expensive on multiple levels. I heard someone say, “Sin will cost you more than you planned to pay, will take you further than you planned to go and will be harder to overcome than you ever imagined.”
One of the common threads that runs through the big three (alcohol, sex and money) is each provides an immediate buzz. There’s a sense of immediate gratification or satisfaction that can be achieved through these types of activities, which is the primary reason they’re so popular. They provide an easy answer to the question, “What are we going to do this weekend?” We’d all do well to remember that the easy answer isn’t always the best answer. This is a good place to insert a quote from C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters: Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one--the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts. Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape.” Where’s the road you’re on in your life leading you?
In my next post I want to suggest different ways to experience PURE FUN. There’s a better way to live than to allow alcohol, sex and money (either spending it or earning it) to dominate your life. 

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